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Expert Catch Basin Cleaning and Maintenance

Flooding and backups can provoke nightmares for any property owner, so ensuring public and private catch basins are clean and clear is crucial to preventing these wet disasters. McVac Hydro Excavating offers comprehensive catch basin and storm basin cleaning services in Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin designed to keep the water flowing on municipal and private property. With our dedicated professionals, you can trust that your property is protected against the elements.

Sewer cover

Signs Catch and Storm Basins Need Cleaning

Our reliable catch basin cleaning services prevent flooding and improve safety for municipal, commercial, and residential properties throughout the area. Here are some common signs it might be time for a catch basin cleanout:

  • Water takes longer to drain near catch basins, indicating a possible blockage
  • Pooling of water around catch basins, even with light rainfall
  • Foul odors emerge from the basins, a sign of stagnant water and debris
  • Visible accumulation of debris around the catch basin area
  • Frequent flooding post-rainfall because storm drains are overwhelmed

An Overview of Our Catch Basin Cleaning Process

Regular cleanouts by our professionals will keep your drainage systems efficient and safeguard against potential water damage to the surrounding landscape and property.


A thorough assessment to understand the current condition of your catch basin.

Environmentally Friendly Practices

We prioritize eco-friendly methods to mitigate environmental impact.

Debris Removal

Complete sludge, dirt, and debris extraction, leaving your catch basin fully clean.

Hydro Jetting

A powerful deep cleaning technique to remove buildup and dislodge stubborn sediment.

Final Inspection

A meticulous check to ensure total cleanliness, functionality, and satisfaction.

Contact Us for Clear Catch Basins

Clogged or slow-draining catch basins can cause flooding, leading to significant water damage around your property. McVac Hydro Excavating provides reliable commercial, residential, and industrial catch basin cleaning services throughout Northern Illinois and Southeastern Wisconsin. Hydro jetting effectively breaks down dirt and debris to ensure your basin works efficiently to protect your home and office. Contact our team today to schedule your service.

Get in Touch Today

At McVac Hydro Excavating, our team is committed to excellence, so you can feel confident no matter the size or scope of the project, your underground assets will be protected. We value your project needs, and our PACP, LACP, and MACP-certified operators will work with you to ensure no detail of the job is overlooked. Contact our team today to request a quote.

Service With Integrity